Last Updated on March 29, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel
If you are setting up an office for your business, you will also have to decide on the chairs for your employees. But you should not pick the chairs based on price alone. Remember that your employees will be sitting on it continuously for many hours. As such, it becomes your duty as a responsible employer to get a high-quality chair on which your employees can comfortably settle in. So, when it comes to picking chairs, don’t leave it to chance like in online roulette. Below, we look at six tips that can help you with identifying the best chairs for your office.
Height Adjustment
The height of the chair must be easily adjustable. This will allow the employee to raise it and lower it whenever required. For example, they may often be using a lower height when working in front of the computer. But when the job gets busy, they will have to work faster and harder. As such, they will need to raise the height of the chair. As such, chairs without any height adjustment facility is better avoided. Rather you should choose zero gravity chair for big and tall person.
The fabric of the chair must be soft enough that you can easily place your hands on it. Excessively rough fabric can be very uncomfortable when working. It should also be breathable since this will ensure that the fabric does not become too hot after you sit on the chair for many hours.
Lumbar Support
Make sure that the chair has a contoured backrest. This will allow the employees to comfortably rest their backs on the chair without the risk of developing any pain. Ideally, the back must be arched in a natural way when you rest on the chair. Without a good lumbar support, a person might slump on the chair, which can later lead to spinal problems.
Good Padding
Check the padding to ensure that it is comfortable to sit on. The padding shouldn’t be too soft that you sink into the chair, nor should it be too hard that it feels as if you just sat on the floor. Excessively hard surface will also be painful after a while. So, look for a padding that provides the right firmness to hold a person for long hours.
If the chairs have the ability to swivel, then excellent. It will allow your employees to quickly turn the chair to any direction they want. And in a very busy office, where the employees will have to constantly communicate with one another, swivel chairs can be incredibly useful.
Style Match
The chairs should go well with the design of the office. In addition to the structure being similar to the style of the office, you should also focus on the colors. If your business is focused in areas like entertainment, branding etc., then you can get vibrant and colorful chairs for the office. But if your office mainly deals with things like legal consulting and such, then a simple color that matches the walls will be sufficient.
You can also check out which lists out some of the best ergonomically comfortable office chairs you can buy within your allocated budget.