Last Updated on April 19, 2022 by Kravelv
There is nothing quite so pleasing as the look of a freshly painted home. For a short, while it literally shines, standing out in your street as the best looked-after home in your neighborhood.
Of course, maintaining your home properly also means the value of it will stay level or even increase. In addition, paint protects the walls from rain and the other elements, helping to keep moisture out and eliminate damp issues.

You’ll want to follow these tips to get the best possible finish
1. Pressure Wash First
In order for your fresh paint to stick properly, it needs a clean surface. This will help paint retention reducing the need to repeat the process. It should also help your paint to cover the walls better, helping your paint go further. If you are busy and don’t know how to do it, you can just hire a professional painter like Elegant Painters Vancouver WA.
2. Use The Right Paint
It’s essential that you choose an outside paint that is designed to last for years in harsh environments. Choose a polyurethane coating and you’ll not only get a remarkable finish, but you’ll also find it’s easy to keep clean and extremely durable.
Anything that extends the timeline between when you need to paint the house can be considered beneficial. After all, as good as the house looks the real beauty is when you don’t need to do it again for five or even ten years.
3. Repair First
Before you can paint your home you’ll need to repair any damage to the walls. This means inspecting all the exterior walls to find any loose material and remove it. You can add fresh render but it’s advisable to use some PVA glue this improves the adherence of the render.
Once the walls are repaired you’ll find it easier to paint them and more effective.
4. Protecting Doors & Windows
In order to paint your home properly, you’re going to need to get right up to the doors and windows, ideally without spreading it across their frames. The simplest approach to this is to use masking tape.
It can take time to tape the edges of all the windows and doors but it will be much less time than having to clean them all up after you’ve finished painting.
5. The Right Gear
You know you need paint, a variety of brushes, and perhaps a paint roller. But, you also need to consider how high you’re going and how you’re going to stay safe when painting the top of your home. The answer is to have ladders or scaffolding in position. This will make it easier and safer to get to every part of the wall and finish the job in the least amount of time possible. Don’t forget that you need to choose a color. You’ll have to verify there are no local restrictions and consider what colors your neighbors are using in order to choose the best possible finish for your home. That will ensure it lasts for years and you don’t need to repeat the process unnecessarily.