4 Incredible Tips for the Ultimate Workshop Space

Last Updated on March 10, 2022 by Kravelv

Constructing the ultimate workshop for your tools takes time and plenty of planning on how to best utilize the available space. There are many different strategies for creating the ideal shop but maybe you’re just starting out and aren’t sure how to go about it. Look no further than these next 4 tips on how to set up the ultimate workshop space.

Mobile Workshop

When you are setting up your workshop it becomes easy to picture what fixed spot you want to place your workbench, the table saw, the storage closet, etc. The problem is that often, the best workshop for your needs is a mobile workshop. Instead of building or purchasing stationery pieces, fill your shop with ones that have casters or wheels on them. This gives you the advantage of having a workshop that can be set up according to the unique needs of the project.

Fold Away Counter Tops

Not all aspiring workshop builders have an unlimited amount of space. You might be cramming all your tools and storage into the corner of your garage. This is when having fold away counter tops can be crucial to creating your ideal workspace. Give yourself the flexibility of creating as much possible floor space by anchoring your folding workbench into the wall.


Storage Totes

An ideal workspace is one that gives you flexibility and allows you to find all the tools you need quickly. Stackable totes, like those from Quantum Storage, are perfect because they offer durable storage that can also be neatly organized in a variety of different ways. They can conserve space, and if you know you’ll need a lot of a specific screw or nail, you can just take the tote from out of the stack or shelving unit with you to the spot you’re working.

All-In-One Shop Table

It can get rather frustrating to have to continually walk from one side of your workspace to another, retrieving tool after tool and then taking it to plug it into the outlet. This is why an all-in-one shop table is what you need for the ultimate workshop. Build your own shop table to fit the height of your miter and table saws. Create cubbies and drawers for your drills and drill bits. Attach a powerstrip to an easy to reach section of the table.

Every person has different needs and opinions on what makes an ideal workspace, and often think that it isn’t easily achievable. However, if you use the 4 tips above, you’ll find it can be easier than you thought to create the ultimate workshop space.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
