4 Creative Ways to Make Old Furniture Come Alive

Last Updated on March 4, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

Sometimes, we have furniture that we just become tired of. The monotony sucks. We’re simply bored. And, we want a creative release. But, that does not involve getting rid of the furniture as you’re kind of emotionally attached. Does that sound like you? Then keep reading.

There are creative ways to make your old furniture come alive, on a budget. It’s all about adding a few tweaks, here and there. Want to know more?

Let’s roll. Shall we?

1) Painting

Can you imagine the kind of finesse you can bring to old chairs, bookcases, mirrors, dressers and console tables just by painting them in a brand new color? You just need to try to see how this turns out. Ensure to use bold and bright colors to make the furniture take on an entirely new identity.

You could also give some sort of character to the piece by painting in patterns and shapes. You can find some creative paint applications here. You could have a combination of colors or just dual colors. It all depends on the results you want.

 But, it’s not all so rosy as we tend to make certain mistakes when it comes to painting old furniture. Avoid these mistakes and get fantastic results.
painted night stand


2) Dress Up

If painting does not work for you, you have the option of dressing up your furniture. Just use fabrics and wall papers generously, on your tables and dressers. They are inexpensive and you can creatively use them.

For example, you can cover a wooden stool with an old look drop cloth to give it a timeless look. Just be creative and go with your imagination. Ditch any preconceived ideas you may have about the finished product; just go with the flow. So, you can create a truly different look for the piece.

3) Change Fabric

 Your sofas may need re-upholstering. Don’t shy away from making that change. It won’t costs as much as replacing the chair. Plus, you get a brand new and inviting look.

4) Re-purpose

 This basically involves finding a new use for an old piece of furniture. Just find a spin around them. For instance, you can convert the top of a spindle chair into outdoor décor by adding three hose clamps with strews to the back board. Then slip in a few terra-cotta posts.

Got an old desk? Turn it into a dresser. Spruce it up with paint, wall paper or colored fabrics to get the desired effect. Got tables? They can be re-purposed to serve other purposes.

hand painted dresser



These ideas are not exclusive when it comes to breathing life into your old furniture. But, implementation is key. Be bold and innovative. Do well to set a budget before you start. This enables you set a spending limit which does not spiral out of control. It also helps to choose the idea that’s within your budget. Go ahead and have some fun with these ideas! Will ya?


Author Bio:

Jane Allen is conscientious home-maker. She is always in search of hacks to make the home a better place. Lately, her attention has shifted to recliners and how to enjoy them. You can read more about her work @ http://reclinerhaven.com.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
