11 Painting Hacks/Tips You Should Know

Last Updated on February 24, 2022 by Kravelv

Painting can be a long and arduous job, taking hours, if not days to complete, leaving you feeling tired and warn out at the end of the day. However, there are some little known hacks/tips which can not only make painting easier, but can help you achieve a flawless, professional finish.

1 –  Lint roll or vacuum applicators before using. Paint brushes, roller and painting pad can be cover in loose bristles, dust and loose particle which can ultimately ruin the finish of your paint. Use a lint roller or a vacuum to remove these loose particle, and give you a better finish.

2 – To ensure good adhesion of the paint, wash the walls down first to remove any dirt or grease which could affect the finish of your painting. This can be done with either an anti-bactria wipe, household cleaning wipe or just some warm water, and let the walls dry.

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3 – A new tool on the market is the Padco applicator which is a great disposable tool, designed to make painting easier and quicker and to help achieve the perfect finish. Padco products are not available in all DIY stores, but can be found online at websites like Wood Finishes Direct.

4 – Cleaning paint trays can be a nightmare, but you can skip this job by covering the tray with a plastic bag or tin foil. So rather than clean the tray once you’ve finished, all you have to do is dispose of the bag or foil.

5 – Straining paints will help remove any imperfections in a paint which could affect your finish. Paint strainers are cheap and quick to use.

6 – Attach an elastic band, which goes over the mouth of the paint tin. You can remove excess paint from the brush by running it along the band.

7 – If you are using a primer, try tinting it with a small amount of coloured paint that you are using. This will help mask the colour beneath, and will better match the colour of paint you’re painting over with.

8 – Tape borders to help get a good line while painting. If this tape is hard to remove, use a hairdryer to make it easier to peel off.

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9 – Some fumes released by paints can very powerful, but you can dull the smell by adding a tablespoon of vanilla extract and mixing well. This will only dull the smell, and not the effects of these chemicals.

10 – If your painting furniture or a door, and there are pieces of metal, like hinges, screw or keyholes that you do not want to cover in paint, try painting them in a thick coat Vaseline, and paint as normal. Once the paint has dried wipe areas with a paper towel, and the paint will come right off.

11 – When you are storing paints, cover the top of the tin in plastic wrap/cling film before closing the lid. This will prevent paint from stick, making it easier to open the next time you need to.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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